While there is no dearth of PDF converters, most of the premium offerings warrant a high price tag. As for the free PDF converters, most of them are crap – forget about deriving a reliable PDF solution.

So, when I ran into EasePDF, an online PDF converter, a few days back, I (kind of) wrote it off almost immediately. It was only when I dived into the details that I realized that EasePDF is different from the rest on several pivotal fronts—so much so that most premium PDF editors can fail to compete with its versatility. That’s what has led me to write an in-depth review of this online PDF converter. Let’s dive into the breakdown!
Best Free Online PDF Converter For Everyone
More Than 20 Tools

Frankly speaking, my biggest complaint about online PDF converters is the lack of efficient tools. Very few of them are capable of delivering a complete PDF solution. But that is not the case with EasePDF as it not only boasts over 20 highly efficient tools but also performs the assigned tasks proficiently. From compressing PDF to splitting files to converting PDF to HTML, it has got you fully covered.
To put the online PDF converter to an acid test, I threw many challenges at it. The first one was to see how well it’s able to convert PDF to PPT or vice-versa. While many other apps and services can get it done, very few can do it with precision. Without mincing my words, I would say that EasePDF passed this test with pretty good results. It performed the task quickly and with the desired proficiency.

Another challenge that I put before EasePDF is to check its ability to convert PDF to Excel. Again, not many online PDF converters can get through it proficiently. So, I was keen to see how well it fares. Again, it lived up to my demand. And that too without any compromise.

No Steep Learning Curve
I have tried a wide range of PDF editors, from feature-rich to lightweight. However, only a handful of them are easy to use. Moreover, many of them demand a steep learning curve that dampens the whole experience.
Putting simplicity and ease of use at the forefront, EasePDF is quite straightforward. And more significantly, it hardly requires any learning curve. So, whether you are into PDF editing games professionally or have to deal with PDFs only once in a blue moon, you can get through your job without being embroiled in any complexity.
The tool is integrated with Google Drive and Dropbox, the most popular file-storage platforms. Thus, you can seamlessly access and edit your stored files.

The PDF editing tools are neat and more than capable of handling basic editing. Features like adding text and creating a digital signature work fine.

Integrated With Several Social Networks
Integration with social networks comes in super handy especially when you want to share files with your colleagues or friends with ease. Keeping this essential aspect in mind, EasePDF allows sharing files with a host of services including Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, WhatsApp, Tumblr, Pinterest, and more. From a user’s perspective, it’s an appreciable feature.

Needed Safeguard for Your Data
In an age where security and privacy have become a huge concern, it would be unfair to miss this point. I guess it’s one of the reasons why not many trust online PDF converters.
EasePDF is a departure from the past. Equipped with a 256-bit SSL encryption, it safeguards all of your files against prying eyes. The company also ensures that your personal info isn’t shared with others. As it doesn’t require you to sign up using your email ID or phone number, it can be trusted to keep your data secure.
To further safeguard your privacy, EasePDF automatically wipes out your files and links within 24 hours. So, you shouldn’t worry about the security and privacy of your data.
Universal Compatibility

It’s worth mentioning, but it’s worth reiterating that EasePDF works seamlessly across platforms. So, regardless of which side of the stream you belong to—iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, or Linux—you can use this tool efficiently to complete your task. That’s the advantage of being a modern online tool.
Of course, as an online tool, it can’t offer the same level of customization that a full-fledged PDF editor can provide, nor can it let you carry out your tasks offline. But unlike apps, it won’t eat into precious storage on your device or drain the same amount of battery life.
And, EasePDF Is Absolutely Free
Despite being feature-packed, EasePDF is free. There are no hidden in-app purchases, either. So, you can take advantage of this all-in-one PDF online converter to handle your PDFs without any restrictions.
Our Verdict…
Having tested EasePDF to the hilt, I can vouch for its efficiency. Equipped with a wide range of tools, a solid file encryption mechanism, and a reliable privacy policy, this all-in-one PDF converter can be a boon for those who often deal with PDFs and want a tool that can get the job done with the needed precision—that too, without burning a hole in the pocket!
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